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The Universal Spirit of Islam


Author(s): Judith Fitzgerald & Michael Oren Fitzgerald (Eds.)
ISBN: 9788182742598
Publication Year: 2007
Binding: HB
Pages: 176
Price: Rs. 1295
Already sold: 1/1


This book sets out to explore if these sources (the Qur`an and hadiths] provide a basis for improving interfaith relations. The author give the reader space to come to their own conclusions. Their selections of Qur`anic and hadith passages show a unique sensitivity to and understanding of Islam. Accompanied by lovely photographs…. as well as reprints of Islamic art and illuminated Qur`ans, the titular “sprit” of Islam comes across as reflective, wise and bridge building. The author have reorganized some of Islam`s most sacred texts and art in an easy-to-understand format, not only underscoring the interfaith resources in Islam but the spiritual side of Islam as well.

Additional information

Judith Fitzgerald & Michael Oren Fitzgerald (Eds.)

Michael and Judith Fitzgerald have edited the awarding-wining Sacred Worlds series. This husband and wife team have collaborated on numerous successful quote books including. The Spirit of Indian Women and Christian Spirit (Winner of the 2004 Midwest Independent Publishers Association Award for Religion and Philosophy).

Feisal Abdul Rauf in imam of Masjid al-Farah in New York City and founder of the American Sufi Muslim Association (ASMA) Society. He is also a co-founder of the Cordoba Initiative, a multi-faith effort to help heal the relationship between the Muslim world and America, and is the author of the best selling book, What`s Right with Islam: A New Vision for Muslims and the West.


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