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Author(s): Col Harjeet Singh (Retd)
ISBN: 9788182745179
Publication Year: 2011
Binding: HB
Pages: 244
Price: Rs. 1950
Already sold: 1/1


Terrorism is a major contemporary security problem and will, in all likelihood, remain so for the foreseeable future. The South Asia states are particularly afflicted with this scourge, the reasons for which are manifold. These include disputed borders, disputed areas, and ambiguous as well as inherited administration in parts of the states. The brutal nature of the genesis of Pakistan and Bangladesh ahs made regional relations conflictual and a part of their foreign policy. Added to this are bilateral issues which are perceived as deliberate manipulations to project or impose an image of superiority.

The division of the Indian subcontinent into sovereign states after decolonization has not blurred the historical societal linkages from a common historical past which transcend the legal boundaries . This extends to two major problems for national security as far as South Asia states are concerned. The first is a tendency to suspect the loyalty of minority groups and interpret their urge for human rights and civil liberties as threats to national security. The second is that the assumption of humanitarian concerns of states for the minorities of other states is interpreted as interference in domestic affairs.

Underlying all of these factors is the need to place the threat of terrorism in perspective and context. One way of doing so is to list out all the terrorist incidents that have occurred  in the past decade. Terrorism imposes a number of significant costs on individuals, societies and states and thereby substantially changes the economic and social structure of the country. These include maintenance of law and order; humanitarian aid; fiscal; economic; social and cultural costs. Poor governance adds to the problem.

This is a historical moments when the people of South Asia need to recognize that they have a new tryst with destiny. They need to affirm that their security and well being lies not in conflict but in peace and cooperation. Analysis and reflection upon the data provided in this book should provide a basis of a greater understanding o the problem.

Additional information

Col Harjeet Singh (Retd)

Col Harjeet Singh took early retirement from the Army in 1998 after a tenure as Instructor at the Defence Services Staff College, Wellington (Indian). A prolific military writer and thinker, he has contributed articles regularly to several professional journals during his career. He is well know in military circles for his erudtion and perspicacity of analysis.

He holds a Master degree in Defence Science and an M Phil in Strategic Studies from the University of Madras and has continued his interest in professional military matters after leaving the Army. His research interests include defence and strategic issues, with emphasis on South Asia. He edits the “South Asia Defence and Strategic Year Book”.

Amongst his published books are:

· Doda: Insurgency in the Wilderness


Soldiering with Faith: The Sikh Light Infantry

· Evolution of Strategy: From Sun Tzu to Clausewitz

· Steps & Strides: 16 Punjab(Patiala)- A Historical Narrative

· Onward and Upward: The Punjab Public School, Nabbha . .

. Cannons versus Elephants: The Battle of Panipat


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